Thursday, May 28, 2009

A visit home...

I went home to Indiana for a week because my friends, Andrea & Daniel, got married at my home church. It was also a great excuse to visit family. It was hard being away from Jeremy for a whole week but it was nice to be able to see everyone. Here are some of the pictures from my visit.
Andrea & Daniel's Wedding-May 23, 2009
Would you believe that I used to babysit her and her sisters?

The happy couple!
I got to see Miss Mardi & Mr. Ken! It has been 4 years since I've seen them!
Me with my friend, Libby. She will be working at The Wilds this summer.
Me with Samantha & Krista.
Me with Heidi. She will be getting married in July. I also babysat her and her brother.
Hannah is Daniel's sister. We were in the same society in college and worked together at The Wilds.
Kat and I went to school together but I met her at camp. Her husband, Andrew, grew up with Daniel.
Me and my niece, Hannah, making microwavable Chocolate Mug Cake.

My cousin, Addie, and her little boy, Jordan.
Me, Addie, and our cousin, Katie.
Katie & I with our cousin, Mona.

Our friends, Mac & Beth, sang at the wedding and had a concert at my parents church on Sunday night.
Me with Katrina and her little girl, Kaylee.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tomato Cages

You're probably getting bored with all these garden photos . . . but we're really excited! Monday evening we bought some smaller tomato cages so I put them around the plants on Tuesday. It's a little easier to walk between the rows now. Hopefully it keeps the plants a looking a little healthier. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's almost time!

I did some weeding in the garden this afternoon. I was also able to pick a few of the vegetables. It won't be long now and we'll have so many that we won't even be able to eat them fast enough! I've posted some pictures of the yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes. Also posted, is a picture of the whole garden and the veggies that I picked today.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I had my first opportunity to say "no" last night. It was a struggle at first. I wasn't sure if my voice was going to work. My brain was screaming, "Say no! Say no!!" I started to feel faint and my palms were beginning to sweat. I thought my heart would thump out of my chest. I almost gave in and then I heard one simple word come out of my mouth. No. I couldn't believe my ears! That little word came out of MY mouth? Then, the minute I said it, I regretted it. I was worried about what the person might think of me. It was okay though and so I just breathed a small sigh of relief.

However, the night was not over. I was again asked the same question by another member of that family. I thought that I was going to fail this time. I politely replied, "Well, I already talked to --- about that." The person replied, "So is that a 'yes'?" Oh, no! Here I go. I'm going to end up saying yes anyway. "Actually, it's a no." Whew! I breathed another sigh of relief. I thought that would have been the end of the conversation but the person kept at it trying to get me to crack. I couldn't believe it! I almost gave in. I said, "Actually, I won't be here very much in the summer." Then the person said, "Well, maybe when you get back." I stuck to my guns and said, "No, probably not." 

When I got home last night. I was so relieved. I had actually said no! It felt so good. It was like the weight was starting to come off my shoulders. The weight that I have been carrying for so long was starting to get lighter. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. I was so proud of myself. I will no longer feel bad for saying no when I really don't want to do something.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Garden Update

I went out to the garden earlier this afternoon to take some pictures for you. I have posted a few of the better looking ones. We have flowers on one of our cucumber plants which means that it won't be long and we'll have some of those to eat. We have only been able to pull off a couple of anaheim peppers but we haven't had anything else ripe enough to pull. Hope you enjoy our pictures!

                            Cherry Tomatoes


Beefsteak Tomatoes
(Yellow tomatoes on far right near bottom.)

Banana Peppers

Yellow Bell Pepper
        (We also have red & green growing now!)


Green Beans

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just say "no!"

I am starting a new phase of my life today!!!! I'm so excited. Are you ready for this? When someone asks me to do something that I really don't want to do . . . I'm going to say NO! I have been so busy lately because I don't want to hurt people's feelings by not doing something. Well, not anymore. If I don't want to teach an extra class or don't want to go to an extra activity, I am going to tell people. If someone calls me up to babysit or go somewhere and I don't want to do it, I'm going to say no. If they don't like it, well, that will be their problem, not mine. I don't mean to sound rude, but I am only one person. Just because I don't have kids, doesn't mean that I'm not a busy person. 

My responsibility first in life is to God. If I feel that my life isn't glorifying God because I have too much going on, then I am going to make some changes. My second responsibility is to my family, not my church. WAIT! What?! Yes, that's what I said. God, first. Family, second. Church, last. I don't have to go to EVERY church function. That's not what is important in life. My personal relationship with God is important, but the activity after church just isn't as important to me. I would rather spend time with just my husband. I hardly get to spend time with him very much because there is always something else that people say we have to do.

So, from now on, I am in charge of MY life. No one else is going to tell me what I "need" to do. If I feel like I can't do something, I am going to say so and people will just have to be okay with that. Boy, are they in for a surprise!! 

Friday, May 1, 2009

A wonderfully busy week!

Jeremy's mom, Janet, was able to visit us for a week! Last time she was here was November of 2007. We did a  lot of fun things. Here are just a few pictures from our week:

Jeremy and his mom relaxing on the beach.

Me and Jeremy's mom on a ride at Busch Gardens.

Janet looking for shells on the beach.