I am SO excited! It has been about a couple weeks that we have been working on a schedule here for the Jack-man. He is getting up pretty much around the same time every day: between 8 or 8:30. So he has his first bottle pretty early and then he takes a pretty long nap in the morning. I sit him in his swing and he naps pretty much up until his next feeding. That gives me plenty of time to get ready for my day. Then he eats between 12 or 12:30. Afterwards, he will play until around 2:15 or so when he goes down for his afternoon nap (in his crib). He sleeps about 45 minutes to an hour (sometimes more). Then we'll play a little longer before he eats again (between 4:30 or 5). Then daddy comes home and plays with him. Depending on the day (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are bath around 8ish), he will take his last bottle around 9 and then it's off to bed! This has been so fantastic! He gets put in his crib wide awake. He will cry for about 10 minutes (less now) and then he is out until the next morning! I can't believe that it has been working out so well. I am so excited about it.
Anyway, I plan on homeschooling him when he's able. I was looking up some stuff to see if there is anything I can do now to prepare him for school when he's older. I found a website that has a (sort of) curriculum for infants starting at 3 months of age. He turns 3 months on Sunday so I think we are going to start that next week. I'm really excited about it!
I just went outside to get the mail a little while ago. It is so nice out! I can't believe that Fall is almost here in Florida! I LOVE this time of the year. It's just perfect out (minus the mosquitoes in the evening). I can't wait to take Jack out during the day for some fresh air. It's been too hot for us to be outside for too long. Jack hates to feel sweaty. :o) So, I am celebrating today by putting up our Fall decorations. I can't wait until the day that Jack can appreciate all of this with me!!! Until then, it looks like I'll be able to catch up on my reading! ;o)
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