Since this is a time of economic downfall, I thought that I would take the opportunity to share with you each week, one thing that we are doing to save money.
#1-Shop at discount stores for food and clothing
We buy our food from either Save-a-lot or Aldi. Prices are very reasonable and we have cut our grocery bills by more than half! As far as clothing is concerned, I try not to pay full price for anything unless I am shopping at Wal-Mart. (Wal-Mart's prices are already reduced and they always have clearance racks.) There are other good stores like Ross, TJ Maxx, and Bealls (only in Florida). Thrift stores are good places to check for furniture, shelving, or other things to decorate your house.
#2-If you have a yard plant a garden!
I am adding #2 on this week because it goes along with #1. We planted a vegetable garden and saved money on our grocery bill as well. The summer months here are too hot to really plant anything . . . but that is only 3 months out of the year and we are saving enough money on food anyway. Plus, we were able to help out some of our friends at church with the veggies that we couldn't eat right away.
I will not always end these money saving tips with a comment but I feel that, since this is our first one, I must! I encourage you to keep track of what you're spending money on each day and week. Ask yourself, "Do I really need this?" Think about what is most important in life. Can you get by with just the bare essentials? One thing that I find important: meditate on Proverbs 6:6-8, which says, Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. The ant is always preparing. Have you ever wrecked an anthill and stood by to see how quickly the ants build it back up? The moment you knock it down, those little ants are scurrying around to fix their home. They are always prepared. I feel that I should prepare how I am going to spend my money and choose to spend it properly. Also, consider the Proverbs 31 woman. How did she spend her money? It wasn't on herself but on the needs of her family. She carefully thought out how she would spend it before she spent it. So, before you buy choose wisely. Good luck and happy saving!!!!