Monday, January 26, 2009

One down, five to go!

Yesterday began the first of six meetings that we will be having at our church. Evangelist, Mike Pelletier and family, along with Musicians, Greg and Heather Murray, are with us for meetings all this week.

Last night was such a blessing. Mike talked about what happens to Christians when they fall spiritually. The scripture passage that he read from was Psalm 51. He talked about how we shouldn't be discouraged when we sin because when we ask God to forgive us, He promises to do so (I John 1:9). He also talked about how, every time we sin, we break our fellowship with God. That is why it's so important for us to ask His forgiveness!

We are being encouraged this week and we look forward to five more nights of fellowship with other believers as well as strengthening our fellowship with our Lord!

We leave you with this: "For the righteous falls seven times and rises again," (Proverbs 24:16).

Keep reading our blog for more updates about this week!

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