Friday, January 23, 2009

Faith-The Evidence of Things Unseen

I have just finished my second book for the year 2009! I recently bought the book Mistaken Identity. I'm sure most of you have heard about it. It is the true story of two young women (along with several others) from Taylor University who were involved in a horrible traffic accident and their identities were switched at the scene. The book was written by the families of both of those young women. I was touched by the story when I heard about it back in 2006. I saw the book one day at Barnes and Noble and wanted to learn more. If you don't have this book, I recommend buying it. You will be greatly encouraged.

The main thing that I was impressed with was the bond that these two families shared, not only with the switch of the identities of their daughters, but with their bond in Christ, their Savior. Their faith is evident throughout the whole book. It was an encouragement to me to see that no matter what twists and turns their lives took, they turned their eyes to God and His Word. They shared different accounts of how each of their daughters lived their lives on earth and how they helped to point others to Christ. (I remember seeing their story on Oprah and on The Today Show. They were even willing to share Christ with viewers on television!)

With each page and chapter that I read, I thought about how I reflect Christ in my life. Do I point others to Him just as those families do? Reading this book really brought that to my attention. My one goal is life should be to glorify God. I realized that I haven't been doing that like I should lately. I often get mad at the littlest things. Here are two families who went through horrible and tragic events and aren't mad at anyone! What an amazing testimony of how God is in control no matter what happens. 

As the father of one of the victims involved in the accident said, "Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. It's not a perfect world that we live in but we believe that God is sovereign and takes an active part in our lives. Even in sorrow there can be joy and even in tragedy there is hope." What a testimony of what true faith in Christ can be! I only hope that I will take this story with me each day and be reminded of what Christ did for me when He died on the cross for my sins. It is only through Him that I can have that hope.

To the families of these two young women, if you ever read this, please know that you have encouraged me with your story and your willingness to share your faith in Christ with the world around you. Just reading your book has been a reminder that I so much needed in this time of my life. God is good no matter what happens! There is not a doubt in mind, that when it is time for you to meet our Saviors face, He will say to you, "Well Done!" 

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

1 comment:

Erin said...

thats sounds like a story worth reading, i will have to check it out. thanks for putting it on your blog. =) take care!