Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bye-Bye Love

Jeremy's catalog season is coming upon us, which can only mean one thing, summer is OVER. Catalog season is very busy. It usually means no time to spend with each other until December. For Jeremy, this means long days at work and staying up late. Jeremy will be working hard and he would appreciate your prayers through the months ahead.

Another reason why we know that summer is over is because the ladies Bible study at our church is starting back up. Sarah has been really busy all summer long preparing for September's meeting. The ladies will be studying the attributes and characteristics of Christ. Please pray that the meetings will go well.

Along with Jeremy's catalog season and Sarah's Bible study, we will also be starting up our Wednesday evening children's programs at church. There is a lot that goes into preparing for Wednesday night. We enjoy this ministry very much and we love teaching the kids about Christ. It's encouraging to see how they react when they finally understand what we've been teaching them!

As you can see, we have a lot on our plate this Fall. If, for some reason, we can't update our blog in the next few months, you will know why. Please keep the Dail family in your prayers. We appreciate it very much!

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