Where on earth did the time go?? I can't believe that it is almost time to be sending out a new Christmas letter.
Maybe I should be working on that.
I know that I always explain why I never have time to blog anymore but it's really not an excuse. It's my job. Jack keeps me pretty busy. He doesn't nap as long anymore so I have to keep him pretty occupied these days. He is starting to notice when we're not around. If I leave the room, he gets a little anxious.
He is noticing more and more about things in our house. He is constantly looking all around him. He LOVES the Christmas lights and can't stop staring at them. He will be six months at Christmas and we can't wait to see how he reacts to all of the excitement.
Since it has been a while, we decided on posting a couple of pictures of Jack from his first Thanksgiving. He loved it. He didn't get to try any of the food (his doctor said no until at least six months). He was still happy though. And, when Jack is happy, we are happy. :o)
Food. . . . That reminds me. Why do I feel so guilty now when I am eating in front of Jack?? He knows that I have food and he wants it! I feel awful that he can't have a taste. I just want to make sure that he doesn't get any food allergies. I know that, if I don't listen to the doctor, and Jack ends up with a food allergy, then I will feel even more guilty. So, at least if I wait and he still ends up with some type of allergy, at least I listened.
I am still trying to adjust to Jack being around. It has been pretty difficult to put off house work. I just can't really seem to get as much done. I have had to learn (and am still learning) that it's okay and it can wait. I try to do what I can, when I can. I still wish that I could hire a maid though. Especially with the holidays coming and going so fast!