It's been a while since we have had a blog post. Where does the time go these days? We have been busily preparing for baby Jack. Can you believe that we only have 2 weeks and 3 days until his due date?! We had our 37-week appointment on Monday and I have already dilated 1cm, 50% effaced, and at pelvic station-zero (which explains all of the low back pain I have)! All of these things are great! That means Jack is well on his way . . . but it still could be a little while yet.
So, what are we doing while we wait? Hmmmm . . . good question. A lot of reading, watching television, EATING . . . you know, that sort of thing. I throw in some cleaning every now and then. They say you get the "nesting" instinct when it gets closer to delivery but I haven't really felt the urge to do that yet. Maybe it's because I am constantly cleaning anyway.
It's getting a lot harder to move around these days. I can't really bend over to pick anything up. It is hard to sit for long periods of time or stand for long periods of time. There really isn't a happy medium.
Oh! I have to tell you this! We were sitting on the couch Monday night and I felt a jab in my stomach. I looked down and felt the bulge . . . it was a tiny, little foot!!! I felt the heel and everything. It was so amazing! I just HAD to share that.
So, we will try our best to keep you updated on any news of the arrival of our little boy. WE CAN'T WAIT!!!