Okay, so it's been over a week since we last posted. I'm sitting here watching Fox News, drinking my coffee and eating apple strudel pastry. In fact, it's very hard to focus on blogging at the moment. I am in a very content place. :o)
I guess I am just overwhelmed with what is happening in the world right now. It's so frustrating to see that the US seems to be spiraling downward DESPITE the promise of change. Most of us knew that this would happen anyway. Those who didn't, well, we're reaping the results. I wonder what's going to happen in the future. Do I really want to put my children through this? (I'm still deciding.) Whatever I decide, I know that God is in control of whatever the outcome may be. As a Christian, I can be confident that is one thing THAT will NEVER change!
Anyway, on a lighter note. Our garden is planted! We bought 5 different kinds of tomato plants, 5 different kinds of pepper plants, a cantaloupe plant, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, and radishes. We are already seeing some fruits...er vegetables...of our labor. We noticed yesterday, after Jeremy got home from work, that we already had radish plants peaking up through the soil. We also are now the proud parents of a baby pepper! :o) I can't wait to be able to eat all that yummy food!
This week I am preparing for our monthly ladies Bible study. We are holding it at the Dail house this Saturday. That means extra work for me especially since it's the beginning of Spring. Not only will I be preparing what I want to teach, but I also need to clean. I spent Sunday afternoon, Monday, and Tuesday Spring cleaning the house. It's nice to see that my efforts are paying off. Jeremy seemed very surprised when he walked through the door yesterday. (That's how I know I am where God wants me! It's nice being appreciated.) Today will be spent preparing for our Wednesday night kid's club (The Winner's Circle). Hopefully tomorrow I can finalize my Bible study lesson. I would appreciate your prayers on Saturday morning!
My parents will be here next Saturday for my dad's Spring break. I am so excited!!! Then, the last week in April, Jeremy's mom will be staying with us. The last time she was here was when she helped us move into our current home. She will have more time to relax during this visit. I guess it's good that I did all the Spring cleaning now so that I don't have as much to do next month, right? :o)
Well, I guess that is all for right now. We will continue to keep you posted on the progress of our garden. We'll have to post some pictures of it soon. Until then, in the words of E.T., "I'll be right here."