Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Now that I have your attention, I am fine. Really, I am. I just wanted to make sure that you are all still out there.

So, it is officially summer here (in my mind). We finished our last week of our Winner's Circle kids club last Wednesday. While I love teaching the children, I am so glad to be able to be back in the auditorium with the "big people." Since, I am on the subject of Winner's Circle, I have to tell you all about the fantastic job that the kids did this 11-weeks. We have 3 sets of 11-weeks to give out points. If they make it to 375 or higher, they earn a certificate and a prize each time. This time, we are able to give a prize to 3 of the kids. We will be taking them out for pizza after they all get out of school. Apparently, the love that reward because the minute Jeremy told them, they started cheering and yelling. It's nice that we can reward them for their hard work. And, hopefully, we will have more that will get there next year.

We are gearing up for Vacation Bible School. I am a little more nervous this year because I won't be teaching a class. Instead, Jeremy and I will be doing game time. It seems to be more pressure because we have to think of something REALLY fun for all of the ages. I still don't know exactly how much time we'll have or where we will be stationed in the building, so that is making it a little nerve-wracking too. Oh, well. I am sure that we will have a blast.

My Mary Kay business is kind of stuck in a rut right now. It's a little difficult to be selling where I'm currently at. I have been in Florida for almost 4 years now but, since our church is so small, I really don't have that much client base. I had hoped that I might have had contacts via word of mouth, but that didn't really happen. I guess, in the back of my mind, I knew that it might not happen. That is basically why I started my jewelry business, S'marvelous. However, that too, seems not to be profitable at this point. I have some new jewelry designs and ideas that will come out in the next couple of months so maybe that will help. I have a fan page on facebook, so check that out. If I get a few more sells, I might be able to set up a shop on, which is what I intended to do originally. It costs money to do that, and I just don't have the funds right now.

So, even though, I am struggling in business, I am not struggling spiritually. What I mean is that the Lord has been teaching me so much lately. Although I do not have time to go into detail, I will say that He is making it very clear to me and Jeremy that Clearwater, FL is where we need to be at this point in our lives. We are enjoying every chance that we get to minister to the people here. It has truly been a blessing to see God work in the lives of the people we minister to and minister with. For that, we are very grateful.

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