Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Guess what?!

I am so excited to tell you that I have officially found a name for my fabulous jewelry line! I created this 'company' so that people can purchase stylish and unique handmade jewelry at affordable prices. So, how did I come up with the name? Glad you asked! I am a HUGE fan of Audrey Hepburn and have a goal to watch every single one of her movies this year. One of the movies I have watched was Funny Face, in which she co-starred with Fred Astaire. There is a delightful song in the movie entitled S'wonderful S'marvelous. Thus, that is where the name comes from. Where can you get this jewelry? Glad you asked that too! Just become a fan of S'marvelous on facebook! Don't forget, you must be a member of facebook first. Don't worry. It's easy to join and FREE! Hope to see you on there!

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