Friday, October 23, 2009

Catalogs, Thanksgiving, and parties!

I will try to post my normal Friday recipe later. I just wanted to share with you what is going on with us.

It's fall again (yay!) so that means our schedule is getting really busy. Jeremy is nearing the end of catalog season. It will officially be over the beginning of December. We are a little over a week away from November and that means the holidays are just around the corner. Right now we're preparing for fall parties and Christmas. The ladies at our church have a fellowship coming up the first weekend in November so Sarah is busy preparing for that. Then Jeremy's mom will be visiting and we will do our Thanksgiving dinner for her. (We are really excited because we will be getting two Thanksgiving meals this year!!) A few days after she leaves, we will be having a party for some of the kids in our Winner's Circle kids club. (Those who earn a certain number of points, get a party.) Then, of course, is Thanksgiving. Hopefully Sarah will be able to try her hand at that apple pie again!! Her parents will be visiting us then. After Thanksgiving, we will be preparing for all of the Christmas festivities. We will have the church Christmas Cantata, another ladies fellowship, and a few other Christmas parties. It's going to be a busy season but it will be very enjoyable. So, you understand if we forget to write a post once in a while. But please keep checking our blog for pictures of all of the activities!

For a little pumpkin trivia, click here.

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