Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome, Jack!

Well, it's taken me almost two weeks to be able to write about this. We have been a little sleep deprived here and trying to adjust to our new schedule. I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know exactly what went on in the days surrounding Jack's birth.

Thursday, June 16, we had our final prenatal appointment. It was a normal appointment and then our midwife talked to us about being induced. It turned out that our options were to either be induced or go back the following day or to the hospital on the weekend to get some testing done (including a stress test) to see why I wasn't progressing anymore. Jeremy and I discussed it with our midwife and really trusted her opinion. We decided to be induced.

Friday, June 17 (our 5-year anniversary) at 5:30 am, we went to the hospital to be induced. I was hooked up to the IV's (and Pitocin) by 6 am. Things were going really well and the contractions didn't seem to bother me as much as I had feared they would. Apparently I was supposed to be in much more pain than I thought I was feeling. Around 3 pm, my water broke. By 7 pm, I still wasn't progressing any more so I asked for an epidural. At 10:30 pm, my midwife came in and said I was 10cm and ready to push! I watched the clock start ticking down the hours with every push, wondering if he was going to make it for our anniversary.

Finally, on Saturday, June 18, at 1:07 am, Jackson had arrived! Thankfully, I had him as a distraction because I started hemorrhaging. I really had no clue what was going on around me. I am so thankful that I had gotten an epidural because they needed to give me shots in my leg to help stop the bleeding. (Of course, I am a wimp when it comes to needles, but I couldn't feel a thing.) The last shot that they could possibly give actually stopped the bleeding. I was that close to needing to have a blood transfusion. We thank God that it didn't come to that and I thank God that I had my little man to distract me and the epidural so I couldn't feel what was happening.

At our hospital, they move you to a different room after you have your baby. Because of all that went on, we didn't make it to the room until around 5 or 5:30 am. We were so tired but didn't get much sleep. The nurses had to keep coming in every hour to check my temperature, blood pressure, and stitches.

Our stay at the hospital seemed very long and we were glad that we finally had the okay to leave on Monday at 6 pm. It was so good to be home!


Elisabeth Moody said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you're living in awe of this new little man in your family. ;)

The Frausto Family said...

So glad the Lord has us in His hands! Thankful He guided the doctors to lead you out of delivery safely! Love you and praying for you in the days all get so awesome once you get past the initial few weeks! :)-Tori