Thursday, February 26, 2009

A little information about this day in history...

In 1815- Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from exile on the island of Elba.

In 1870- A 312-ft long pneumatic subway was opened in New York City; funding for a larger version never materialized.

In 1901- Leaders of the Boxer Uprising in China, Chi-hsui and Hsu Cheng-yu, were beheaded.

In 1919- Grand Canyon National Park was established.

In 1935- RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) was first demonstrated by Robert Watson-Watt.

In 1993- A bomb exploded at the World Trade Center in New York. The blast killed six people and injured more than 1,000.  The man who paid the terrorists to set the bomb off was the same man who planned the attacks on 9/11. The government is trying to give him his rights to the constitution. (Is this justice or stupidity?)

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